트라이(Trie)는 문자열에서의 검색을 빠르게 해주는 자료구조이다.
트라이를 사용하면 검색하는 단어의 길이가 M일때 O(M)의 시간이 소요된다.
class Trie {
constructor() {
this.words = 0
this.prefixes = 0
this.children = []
// Insert a string into the Trie
insert(str, position = 0) {
if (!str.length) return
if (position === str.length) {
return this.words++
const ch = str[position]
if (this.children[ch] === undefined) {
this.children[ch] = new Trie()
const child = this.children[ch]
child.insert(str, position + 1)
// Remove a string from Trie
remove(str, position = 0) {
if (position === str.length) this.words--
if (str.length === 0) {
const ch = str[position]
const child = this.children[ch]
if (child) {
child.remove(str, position + 1)
// Trie with a given prefix
find(str = '') {
let wordStack = []
if (this.words > 0) {
for (const ch in this.children) {
const child = this.children[ch]
wordStack = wordStack.concat(child.find(str + ch))
return wordStack
// Return the autoComplete object
autoComplete(str, pos = 0) {
if (!str.length) return {}
const ch = str[pos]
const child = this.children[ch]
if (child === undefined) {
return {}
if (pos === str.length - 1) {
return { prev: str, found: child.find(str) }
return child.autoComplete(str, pos + 1)
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